Your Power Restored Faster Than National Grid Can Do It
Imagine your business without power.
Are you able to open the doors for customers without lights, electricity and heat? Is it truly a business…or is it a bottomless money pit?
For many, it’s the latter. In most New England towns, power goes out at least once a year. If your business depends on power (and what business doesn’t?) losing power can be a potentially devastating loss.
The cold hard truth about storms and businesses is:
Nearly 40% of businesses close after a storm. Out of those that close, only 25% ever reopen.

When the going gets tough and there’s no electricity, we know to call Amity Electric. They get the power back on, setup temporary power or bring in generators!
– Chris Sanford
Puroclean Disaster Restoration Services
Power outages take a huge bite out of your bottom line, including:
- The devastating revenue loss associated with closing your doors for a few hours or days
- Inventory losses crippling restaurants, pharmacies and other businesses with perishable goods
- Expensive machines knocked offline, requiring repair or replacement
- The risk of being ripped off when security systems fail
- The reputation risk associated with losing precious client data
- The sizable cost to restore your business after an outage
Our options for generators include:
- Temporary generators
- Standby generators
- Standby generators with prewired service and an automatic transfer switch
- Permanent generators